Web3 101: A Quest for Knowledge

A series of newsletter issues designed to guide web3 beginners through the world of cryptocurrencies and the decentralized web.

From buying first crypto, setting up a web3 wallet to understanding DeFi and DAOs, this comprehensive guide will take you on a journey through the exciting world of web3 technology and reward you for your curiosity! ✨

Join us as we demystify the crypto world and empower you to become a web3 master. 💪

Subscribe to Web3 101: A Quest for Knowledge

A series of newsletter issues designed to guide Web3 beginners through the world of crypto and the endless possibilities & opportunities that Web3 offers.


Web3 is transformative & it's still early for us to learn about it. We are on a simple mission: Delivering Web3 updates that matter in the chill-est way possible :)